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Saturday 13 April 2013

A Summer Poem

A Summer Poem

The wind ruffles my hair and the trees and the leaves.
A path cuts through woodland, to a long forgotten place where
Peace is found. Here… between the trees and below the sky.
A bird flies overhead. The swoosh of wings in flight. Climbing higher
And higher.

Thistles grab at my legs, clinging on tightly. Stay, don’t leave,
Not yet. Sunlight hurts my eyes as it leaks
Through the gaps in the cover of trees. I wince at the harsh but
Perfectly warm light. It gets brighter
And brighter.

I hear running water, bubbling, gurgling, flowing
Freely over rounded stones. The surface twinkles
As it caches the sunlight.
There is a clearing nearby, I move closer
And closer.

I find a large stone in the perfect patch of sunlight.
The bird hovers close to the ground. It sees me,
Walking towards the stone and settling in the sun,
And it begins to lower itself to the ground, falling
And falling.

Everything stills and the sun beats down,
Pounding heavily on my shoulders. I feel it like a physical weight.
The warmth is heady, making me drowsy and slow and sleepy
But the bird is still nearby, loudly chirping
And chirping.

I encourage him over, but he hangs back, wary. The sunlight
Plays over the bird’s feathers, turning black into a mix
Of greens and blues and purples. Flowers surround the stone,
And as the breeze picks up they starts swaying
And swaying.

Two beady eyes stare up at me, but we are equal.
There is no fear, only the calmness and curiosity
Of a wild, untamed creature of the forest. He accepts me
And we rest, in the sunlight

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