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Sunday 28 April 2013

Review of Kelley Armstrong's Darkness Rising Trilogy

I am reviewing this series based on my faith in the author, and not on the plot or storyline this trilogy follows. In fact, reading the blurb on the first book, it does nothing to draw me in. I feel that all young adult books have become one and the same. If authors want to get their book noticed among the hundreds of thousands currently available to teenagers, they should really put more effort into wording the blurb on their novels. This is the deciding factor for most readers about whether they are willing to invest their time in your story or not, and I feel that some out there at the moment could do with a good rework, this series included.

But don’t let the vague blurb put you off, Armstrong’s writing could pull off the worst plotline in history, and do it well.

The world seemed to dip and darken and I smelled wet earth and thick musk and fresh blood. The wind whipped past, like I was running. Running so fast the ground whizzed beneath me and the wind cut across my skin . . .

I’ll start at the beginning, with the first book in the trilogy, The Gathering. We are introduced to Maya Delaney, a sixteen-year-old girl living a relatively secluded life in the tranquil town of Salmon Creek, which has a population of only two hundred. Maya has always felt a close bond with nature. She practically lives in the woods, and spends most of her time looking after the animals that get hurt in the area, and she feel like the paw-shaped birthmark she has on her tattoo is a sign that she belongs close to these wild creatures.

Things start of relatively normally, with Maya going to the local, and only, high school. It is described as being a state school with all the benefits of a private school; students have extra curricular activates that Maya suggests are a big part of her and her friends life, for example swimming, boxing, dancing, singing, climbing etcetera. When her life-long best friend, Daniel, the school boxing champion, is suspicious of the new student, Rafe, Maya takes notice. Daniel has a gut instinct for knowing what people are like from the off, and its never been wrong before. But he begins to feel these ‘bad vibes’ a whole lot more than usual.

But Daniel isn’t fully recovered from his girlfriend, and Maya’s best friend, Serena’s death a year ago. Are his instincts off? Maya is intrigued by Rafe; a guy who likes to make everyone believe he is a typical bad-boy, but Maya knows he doesn’t really smoke and drink, so what’s his game? Then there’s his sister, Annie, who Rafe claims had an accident, and is brain damaged. But when Mays notices the same paw shaped birthmark on Annie’s arm as Maya has on her hip, Maya realizes this may be more than just a coincidence. To top everything off, a journalist starts asking questions and hanging around the otherwise quiet town. Something that out of the ordinary is noticeable, so when she goes missing and later turns up dead, Maya knows something very strange is happening.

Is it a tragic accident that Selena, captain of the swim team, and the best swimmer in Salmon Creek, drowns? Or is it something more?
Maya and Daniel do some digging and begin to suspect that the St. Clouds, the owners of Salmon Creek, are involved in medical research that is less of the ‘research’ and much more experimentation, with a supernatural element.

The first book isn’t all that I felt The Summoning (the first in Armstrong’s previous YA trilogy, Darkest Powers) was; the plot was very predictable, and I found I really didn’t care much for the characters at first. Especially as the main characters are a large group of friends, it is hard to get to know the personality of each.

This is why the second book in the Darkness Rising trilogy was much better, in my opinion. By this time, the reader has already got to know which characters they prefer and why, and the predictability of the plot has past. The Calling begins where The Gathering left off; with the gang leaving Salmon Creek on a helicopter to escape a forest fire, which Maya suspects is man-made. Things take a turn for the worst and they find themselves stranded in a dense forest with no food or water, and the wildness of nature surrounding them – not to mention a cougar or two.  It is this book that Armstrong pulls the friends together and puts to use her best talent; writing amazing characters with witty dialogue.

The third and final book in the trilogy, The Rising, sees Armstrong doing something unexpected; she links this trilogy to her previous YA series (mentioned earlier) by a meeting between the two groups of teenagers. There were many references to them in the first books in the series, but to actually introduce the characters to each other gives fan of the other series, like myself, a chance to catch up with the other characters and see how they’ve coped since the end of the trilogy.

As this book is set in the same world as her previous Women of the Otherworld series, expect Armstrong to reference many of the more popular characters and names fans of the books – like myself – will be delighted to recognize.

Perhaps this series isn’t all I was hoping for, and I strongly suggest reading her first Young Adult trilogy, Darkest Powers, before starting this one. They are closely entwined but I far preferred the character building in Darkest Powers to Darkness Rising. However, if you are already familiar with the Darkest Powers trilogy, and became fond of the characters, then Darkness Rising is the series for you. Catching up with Derek, Chloe and Simon made me glad I read this new series, even if it fell short of the un-clichéd YA novels I had hoped for.

This review is not aimed at dissuading anyone from reading this series, and if you do, I have no doubt you will find it better than almost all the other YA urban fantasy novels currently on the market, but Kelley Armstrong has written much better, and will write a much better series in the future, I have no doubt. 

To buy The Gathering, click here.
To buy The Calling, click here
To buy The Rising, click here

To read more about Kelley Armstrong's previous YA trilogy, Darkest Powers, click here

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